Category archives for: Schools

CTA suspends work-to-rule after productive session

Following a productive mediation session on Saturday, January 14, representatives of the Canton Teachers Association (CTA) announced the formal suspension of its work-to-rule job action as they moved closer to a deal with school leaders on a new employment contract. “The CTA is happy to report that progress was made at today’s mediation session,” said […]

Broken pipes lead to water damage at GMS

Just as December vacation was getting underway, local officials found themselves back at the Galvin Middle School on two separate occasions in the past week due to water leaks. On Christmas Eve at approximately 5:30 p.m., a police officer who was patrolling in the area noticed water coming out of one of the doors at […]

CHS music teacher to release 1st solo album

This story originally appeared in the December 15 edition of the Citizen. Veteran Canton High School band/orchestra leader and accomplished trombonist and composer Brian Thomas is thrilled to announce the release of his first album as a solo artist, On the Bone, which is due out later this month. The album features five “groovy soul […]

Team Arrow headed to FLL state championships

Congratulations to Canton’s Team Arrow, who took home first place at the First Lego League (FLL) robotics qualifier held last month at Newton North High School. In addition to winning top honors for robot design, Team Arrow also earned a spot at the Massachusetts FLL Championship scheduled for December 17 at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. (Above, […]

Schools reiterate safety plans following disturbance

A mid-day disturbance at Canton High School that initiated a shelter in place alert and resulted in criminal charges being filed against several individuals has prompted a thorough review and debrief as administrators seek to hammer home their commitment to school safety and accountability. While the incident in question, which occurred around noontime on November […]

CHS mulls adoption of 4-year math requirement

The Canton School Committee will consider whether to accept the recommendation of the MassCore alignment and implement a four-year math requirement for all Canton High School students beginning with this year’s freshman class. Adopted by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education in 2007 and amended in 2018, MassCore is a state-recommended program of study […]

MSBA sends Galvin project onto feasibility phase

Canton school leaders’ dream of renovating or possibly rebuilding the Galvin Middle School — a centerpiece of the district’s long-range master plan — is now one step closer to becoming a reality following yet another affirmative vote by the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA). In clearing this latest hurdle, the Canton school district is now […]

DESE report shows Canton schools well above average

While overall standardized test results were mixed and absenteeism remains an ongoing concern throughout the district, Canton schools continue to perform well in relation to their counterparts, according to the latest accountability report put out by the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Although a formal accountability classification was not assigned to most […]

School officials report good progress with bus issues

After a challenging and at times frustrating start to the school year with new bus contractor First Student, Canton school leaders were happy to report significant improvements in the delivery times of school buses over the past several days. The positive news follows a productive workshop between First Student representatives and school officials and what […]

School officials ‘deeply disappointed’ with bus service

Canton School Committee members plan to ramp up the pressure on new bus contractor First Student and will invite company representatives to its next meeting to address mounting complaints, particularly with bus service at the elementary schools and St. John the Evangelist School. School Committee Chair Kristian Merenda, after hearing from several concerned parents, said […]

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