Category archives for: Town Government

Revere Trust outlines proposed budget for FY23

Representatives for the Revere & Son Heritage Trust presented their first essential services budget to the Canton Select Board Tuesday night as they outlined their operational plans for the burgeoning Revere Heritage Site in the coming fiscal year. The proposed budget is around $71,000 but does not include costs to further design and develop the […]

SB chair reports progress in St. Gerard’s talks

The chair of the Select Board reported earlier this week that negotiations are progressing between the Boston Archdiocese and the town on the sale of the former St. Gerard Majella Church property, and a deal could possibly be completed soon. “We could be a few weeks away,” noted Mike Loughran. Loughran said Town Counsel Paul […]

Canton’s 2022 election will be a contest-free affair

The 2022 spring town election season in Canton promises to be a lackluster affair after Tuesday’s nomination deadline came and went without producing any challengers. A total of 11 people submitted the necessary paperwork to the Town Clerk’s office for the 11 offices up for grabs in the April 5 town election. As a result, […]

Mask mandate changed to advisory as cases dwindle

Effective at midnight on Monday, February 14, the hotly debated townwide policy on indoor mask wearing will shift from an enforceable requirement to a “strongly” worded advisory following a unanimous vote by the town’s Board of Health earlier this week. Citing a rapid decline in COVID-19 cases, vaccination rates exceeding 80 percent, and increased access […]

News Notes: Housing Trust celebrates key milestone

The town of Canton’s newly established Affordable Housing Trust recently marked an important early milestone as officials gave the green light for the purchase of an affordable unit at 47 Turtle Brook Road. Emerging from executive session last Tuesday night, the Canton Select Board voted to authorize the use of a loan (approximately $240,000) from […]

Business leader implores town to fix sidewalks

Kevin McCormick, president of the Canton Downtown Business Association, implored the Select Board at its meeting Tuesday night to make what he said are needed repairs to the sidewalks in the downtown area. He also asked the board to reaffirm a vote by a previous Select Board and reinstitute a $10,000 annual appropriation for maintenance […]

BOH: Omicron surge stronger than data suggests

COVID infection rates soared to unprecedented levels in Canton during the first two weeks of 2022 in what could well end up being the peak of the winter surge. Still, the official numbers only tell part of the story of Omicron’s impact locally, according to town health officials. “Unfortunately, the large numbers that we’ve seen […]

Housing Trust eyes first affordable property purchase

The Canton Select Board and the town’s newly established Housing Trust Committee are considering whether the trust should pursue its first real estate opportunity by purchasing an affordable housing unit in the Turtle Brook condominium complex located off Route 138. The current owner of the unit has defaulted on payments and the property may go […]

Health Dept. announces booster clinics for ages 12+

Following recent federal approvals of the Pfizer COVID vaccine booster for kids ages 12-15, the Canton Health Department has announced that it will offer two new booster clinics for ages 12 and older. The first clinic will be held this Friday, January 14, from 5-7 p.m. in the CHS cafeteria and the second will be […]

Town continues search for new Parks & Recr director

A screening committee consisting of Playground & Recreation Commission Chair JR McCourt, Human Resources Director Jody Middleton, Town Administrator Charlie Aspinwall, and now Select Board member and former Rec. Commission Chair Tom Theodore will soon begin scheduling interviews for the pool of 11 applicants who have applied for the position of Canton Parks & Recreation […]

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