Category archives for: Town Government

SWAG, CAASA gift backpacks to 4th and 5th graders

The Canton High School Student Wellness Advisory Group (SWAG) and Canton Alliance Against Substance Abuse (CAASA) are excited to announce a backpack giveaway for Canton fourth and fifth graders. Thanks to funding through CAASA, every CPS student in grades four and five are eligible to receive a free Adidas backpack before the start of the […]

Officials weigh masking guidance as new school year looms

Canton officials’ advice from their June public webinar to “save the masks” and their warnings about the looming threat of potentially dangerous COVID variants suddenly look prescient following the release of two new face covering advisories by state agencies late last week. The broader guidance, issued Friday by the Department of Public Health, outlines circumstances […]

Lifeguards praised for dramatic rescue on Bolivar Pond

Two Canton town pool lifeguards and a current Canton Dolphins swim coach are being hailed as heroes for their actions in rescuing a stranded kayaker in Bolivar Pond last Friday. The three rescuers — Rebecca Gerrior, Javier Ferstler and Christine Devin — reportedly all sprang into action and swam into the murky waters of the […]

CAASA to hold annual Celebration of Life Aug. 31

~New photo display to honor loved ones lost~ The Canton Alliance Against Substance Abuse (CAASA) invites the public to its annual Celebration of Life on Tuesday, August 31, from 7-9 p.m. on the grounds of the Canton Senior Center at 500 Pleasant Street. Held in conjunction with International Overdose Awareness Day, the event remembers those […]

Select Board backs CAASA overdose awareness efforts

For the second consecutive year, the Select Board enthusiastically approved a request by the Canton Alliance Against Substance Abuse (CAASA) to promote International Overdose Awareness Day (August 31) on public property and through the posting of purple ribbons. Each year CAASA holds a “Celebration of Life” on or around International Overdose Awareness Day to honor […]

Traffic Committee examines Luce School traffic woes

Town Engineer Jay Mello told the Traffic Committee Monday night that he has a possible solution for the Luce Elementary School traffic problems, but he will need support from the School Committee and cooperation from school staff, parents and students to implement his plan. Mello, who is new to the town, has been meeting with […]

Town seeks input to support Rapid Recovery efforts

Town Planner Laura Smead is working with a consultant, paid for by a state grant, to apply for additional state funding to help downtown merchants recover from the loss of revenue caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Smead said Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker has included funds in his Rapid Recovery Program to assist targeted downtowns and […]

SB approves water & sewer rate hikes for FY22

Canton residents can expect a 6 percent rise in water bills and a 2 percent increase in sewer bills effective July 1. However, the July 1 bill reflects the quarterly usage for April, May and June. Canton Finance Director Randy Scollins said the new rates will result in a quarterly increase of $9.29 for the […]

More than half of all Canton residents fully vaccinated

Update: According to the latest state report issued today, the percentage of fully vaccinated residents in Canton has increased to 56.7 percent. Click the link below to access the full report. *** As the percentage of fully vaccinated residents approaches the 50 percent mark statewide, the town of Canton has managed to officially cross that […]

Town officials hoping for efficient, productive ATM

Efficiency but also opportunity for residents to voice their opinions on warrant articles were the key goals emphasized at the pre-ATM public informational meeting held via Zoom on May 12 in preparation for Saturday’s annual town meeting, which begins at 12:30 p.m. on the CHS turf field. Expected Town Moderator Alan Hines and Finance Committee […]

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