As I told you earlier I’m a sucker for surveys, so every few months I find myself answering questions about the commuter rail. I must admit though that the train surveys are disappointing. Unlike the other forms that I fill out that ask different questions every time, the commuter rail always asks the same questions. […]
Walking to work last Wednesday morning, I was standing at Tremont Street waiting for the light to change so that I could cross. Tremont is the busiest street that I pass on the way to work. Not only does traffic race by at unsafe speeds, but the little pedestrian-guy pictured on the walk sign is […]
Five years ago when Steve and I visited the western states we fell in love. Not with each other — we’d already done that over 35 years ago — but with Arizona and New Mexico. But though we reveled in the beauty of the natural landscape, it was a man-made structure that intrigued us the […]
Everyone thinks they can teach. They think, “What can be so hard about standing in front of a room full of kids and talking? Before I entered the ranks of teachers I thought the same thing. And then I stood in front of my first class of high school sophomores and I wanted to eat […]
Medically it has never been easy to be a woman. During the 5th and 4th centuries in Greece, female hysteria — which stems from the Greek word for uterus — was described extensively in gynecological treatises. Plato describes the uterus wandering throughout a woman’s body, strangling the victim as it reaches the chest. Hysteria continued […]