It was one of those silly arguments that we have occasionally because of our differing memories. I kept insisting that we had eaten at Schraftt’s on our first date and Shatz kept saying that no, it was Howard Johnson’s. “I should know,” he said. “I asked my mom where we should eat after the play, […]
Click here for Part 1 The technology piece of our presentation was driving me and my co-trainer Merilee slightly mad. You remember me, the one who owns a cell phone that only — gasp — makes phone calls. Ironically, when I had originally filled out my application to be a STAR trainer, I had blithely […]
Click here for Part 2 It’s so cold in this classroom today that you could hang meat in here, but still I’m thrilled to be in this room. It’s quiet, the sun is shining in my window, and, best of all, there are no deadlines this week. I’m hoping that for a couple of weeks […]
There’s an old cliché that claims, “A change is as good as a rest.” Last week I discovered that a better adage for me would be, “My kids are as good as a rest.” I had the week between Christmas and New Year’s off and I needed it. The fading winter light tends to affect […]
We were enjoying our staff holiday lunch at a South End restaurant when we realized that it was the first time since we’ve known each other that we shared a meal. We’ve never had the time or the opportunity. I usually gulp my sandwich while prepping class, Constance runs from our school to another in […]
Being late while stuck in Monday morning traffic is aggravation to the hundredth power. And it’s especially rotten when you can’t blame anyone else because it’s your own fault since you’re suffering from an attack of driver-hubris. That’s when you’re so sure you’ll arrive on time because it’s not rush hour and the moon is […]
I was in the airport, getting redressed in my shoes, jacket, belt and whatnot, remarking to the guy beside me that in my wildest dreams I never thought I’d be undressing in public and I never wanted to do it again. I was also thinking, “Why are you struggling to grab your belongings from plastic […]
Last week we spent the better part of a day going through the boxes that my mom had shipped here from Israel. There were only 13 boxes left of the household that she had dissolved last summer. I wonder if there’s some sort of mathematical life equation for this, as in 40 years divided by […]
I can’t imagine my life without conversations. From the minute I wake up to the moment that I go to sleep I’m talking or listening to someone. On the phone, at work, on the train, even walking to work, there are always people to delightfully schmooze with. My sweetest high school memories center around the […]
I pride myself on being a born and bred New Yorker. I may have been living outside the city longer than inside; in fact, I’ve lived elsewhere for over 30 years now, but things like attitude and accent creep up on me at unexpected times. We were in a restaurant perusing our menus with Lisa […]