Dear Editor: We would like to honor a friend and member of Canton’s business community, Chris Soper. Chris works at the salon Stylists at Six Thirty on Washington Street. He is a very, very special man and someone Canton should be so proud of. Chris has always decorated the outside of his salon with festive holiday decorations — Thanksgiving, […]
Dear Editor: On behalf of all Canton, a big thank you to Town Clerk Tracy Kenney, the Town Clerk’s Office, and all of the poll workers who together did a magnificent job assuring a smooth and safe election experience for all. This was an extraordinary and demanding year for our clerk’s office: a postponed local […]
Did you know … The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) projects a 10 percent decline in spending for home heating oil this winter. Oil prices remain depressed around the world and nearly 20 percent of homes in the northeast rely on oil furnaces for their heating source. According to the EIA, spending for propane is projected to grow 14 percent […]
Fellow Citizens: I really don’t understand what some of us are so angry about. I urge you to think about how the president has been deftly leading us into a true V-shaped recovery: While the above was penned with tongue in cheek, the graph clearly illustrates our critical need for real leadership. We need Joe […]
Dear Editor: As a conservative, I find myself with virtually no platform for speech. Conservatives have often been censored from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and many newspapers and news outlets. Google manipulates its search results through programming that sends conservative links to the back of the queue or blocks them entirely, while promoting liberal-leaning results on […]
Dear Canton Community: The Norfolk County Commission owns and operates Norfolk County Agricultural High School in Walpole. It is moving forward with plans to lease 25 acres of forest and farmland to a commercial solar development company. If the project proceeds, the lease will last for 20 years. The project would take 17.5 acres of […]
Dear Editor: Massachusetts voters will have the opportunity to vote on ranked choice voting on the upcoming November ballot. Indivisible Canton is endorsing a Yes vote for Question 2, which would pass ranked choice voting for Massachusetts elections beginning in January 2022. Ranked choice voting gives voters the option to rank their preferred candidates in […]
Dear Editor: I write to give my full support to the School Committee, the superintendent, other school administrators, and the Canton Teachers Association for their school reopening plan. I am certain that they all knew ahead of time that no matter what decisions were made they would be criticized. They are in a no-win situation. Still, […]
Dear Editor: I was delighted to read an acknowledgement of children’s librarian Ann Woodman in Rachael Allen’s “Margin Notes” column in last week’s Citizen. Ann is one of my favorite people in Canton. She has launched many a young reader with kind enthusiasm over the years. For my two daughters she has been an inspiration, especially […]
Dear Editor: I disagree with 100 percent of MAC’s column “Politics in America.” Polling shows a substantial majority of all Americans, including a majority of white Americans, support the Black Lives Matter movement, which is why even institutions like NASCAR (hardly renowned for being “woke”) are making changes. It is the minority with MAC’s antediluvian […]