Category archives for: From One Citizen to Another

Letter: You cannot check your biases at the door

Dear Editor: In his recent guest commentary in this paper, Police Chief Ken Berkowitz said a lot about working against bias in the Police Department and acknowledged that they still needed to make progress. Some things in his commentary were commendable, and the respect shown by him and his fellow officers at the stand-in on […]

Water treatment upgrade can wait

Dear Editor: Last week you printed a letter from me that talked about the need for leaders (and residents) to focus on the big ticket expenditures to be voted on at town meeting. To that end, I want to draw people’s attention to what is the second largest item on the capital spending plan, a […]

75th Anniversary Message: Congrats from Class of ’45

We want to send our congratulations to the Canton High School Class of 2020. We wish you warm wishes and the best of health. We are the last four members of the Class of ’45. We are blessed to have been born and brought up in the best town in the world — Canton, Massachusetts. […]

History will judge us by our response to racial inequality

Dear Neighbors: I hope all of you are doing as well as you possibly can under the circumstances our world is currently facing. I hope we can all acknowledge that the citizens of our nation have never faced adversity equally. Many of our fellow citizens are taking to the streets to express this problem and […]

O’Halloran an ‘excellent’ choice for School Committee

Dear Editor: I think Kendall O’Halloran will be an excellent School Committee member. Kendall will bring improved communication between students, teachers, administration and parents. Kendall will be an encouraging and welcoming voice for suggestions and general feedback. She has a clear vision for the district and that’s open communication between the community and student council. […]

A Memorial Day coincidence

Dear Editor: Thank you for publishing the Memorial Day biographies of all the Canton veterans who served and sacrificed their lives for us. I must admit that I developed a great deal of concern by the number of veterans who died by the influenza virus in 1918. I hope this is not a warning of […]

Praise for Hansen School’s Mrs. Cunningham

Dear Mrs. Cunningham: Your fourth grade class would like to thank you for your hard work and dedication to us and to the town of Canton. Your kind decision to donate classroom funds to the Canton Area Helpline shows your positive leadership and thought to help others during this time of need. We are honored to have you in […]

Apply fast, before SBA dollars run out again

Dear Canton small businesses: We know that most of our local small businesses are hurting badly as a result of the COVID-19 health crisis and state-ordered work stoppages. When you suffer, the whole community suffers, whether as employees, customers, or residents who take for granted your contributions to our local tax base. Just as important, […]

Support and encouragement through the storm

Dear Editor: As we are all aware, our first responders and neighbors go above and beyond, which has been a true testament during this time of uncertainty. One example of their heroic actions happened on a recent Monday when we experienced a terrible storm. While sitting home with my young son, a tree broke and […]

Earth Day turns 50

Dear Editor: The first Earth Day in 1970 inspired the passage of key environmental legislation, including the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species acts and the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In 2016, the United Nations chose Earth Day as the day when the historic Paris Agreement on climate change was signed […]

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