Category archives for: From One Citizen to Another

Thank you for school lunch deliveries

Dear Editor: Thank you to the dedicated people responsible for making sure youngsters get the nourishment they need since school has been closed. Each day at 11:45 a.m., a Bulldog van has pulled into our complex to pass out lunches, rain or shine. Kudos to all. Canton is fortunate to have people like you. Sincerely, […]

Mamma Mia cast and crew deserves our applause

Dear Editor: For the past few weeks, I have enjoyed reading about the championship season of our girls and boys hockey teams; they certainly deserved all the plaudits they received. However, there is another team that didn’t get the opportunity to “skate for a title” and show what its hard work had achieved — it […]

Guest Commentary: An ounce of prevention

Benjamin Franklin is credited with coining the phrase, “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure,” after seeing how Boston handled fires in the city. Even though Mr. Franklin was referring to fire prevention, this is true of almost everything, and especially health. The problem with prevention, if you could call it that, […]

Lopez will add different skills, perspectives to BOS

Dear Editor: I have only known Lisa Lopez for a year, but I have admired her as a citizen of Canton for a long time. Over the years I had seen her speak at annual town meeting first as a proponent of the Community Preservation Act and then, after passage, as the chair of the […]

EDR: A simple solution

Dear Editor: Every year in Massachusetts, thousands of people get married and change their last names, while many more change their addresses. These big and exciting changes often occupy people’s minds for months. During this hectic and new time, people are so focused on the settling process that they fail to recognize that they still […]

Neighbor echoes bridge complaint

Dear Editor: A lot of us from the Neponset Street neighborhood agree with Peter Solz’ assessment in his January 16 letter to the editor that the new Revere bridge is a monstrosity — it couldn’t be uglier. It is rivaled in ugliness only by the Canton Junction overpass. What a shame. Due to safety and nightmare traffic […]

New Revere bridge a ‘monstrosity’

Dear Editor: The new bridge over the Neponset River at the Revere Park is a monstrosity. It looks like it belongs in a train yard in Liverpool. It’s not at all in keeping with the look of the park. An old New England style covered bridge would be more in style with its surroundings. Would […]

Moe Strong: Thanking a Great Community

Dear Editor: I started with CrossFit HomeBase, a local gym on Turnpike Street, a few months after it opened about seven years ago. Truth be told, I was a little leery at first, thinking it would be a gym with “muscle heads” walking around stopping at every mirror to flex! Boy was I wrong. There […]

Support for bi-partisan debates on vital policies

Dear Editor: I was disappointed to read Larry Overlan’s letter in the October 24 edition of the Canton Citizen. In it, he details his outreach to the Canton Democratic Town Committee and their seemingly dismissive response to an invitation from the Canton Republican Town Committee for constructive and enlightening discussion of very important issues facing […]

Canton Republicans want to set a tone for civil discourse

Dear Editor: Recently the Canton Republican Town Committee (CRTC) invited the Canton Democratic Town Committee (CDTC) to engage in a series of public debates/forums to inform the citizens of Canton about the differences between the two parties. We suggested the first event be in the fall of 2019 or early 2020 since the Massachusetts presidential […]

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