Category archives for: From One Citizen to Another

The silence that destroys democracy

Dear Editor: “Silence condones” — our eighth grade teacher’s challenge to the evil of segregation. And today we have the same disgusting silence where we are following Germany’s lead in 1933. As detailed in Erick Larson’s In the Garden of Beasts, “Beneath the surface … Germany had undergone a rapid and sweeping revolution that reached deep into […]

Rainbow Project receives ‘overwhelming support’

Dear Editor: I’d like to thank the Canton community for its overwhelming support of the Canton Rainbow Project, where we asked residents and businesses to fly the rainbow flag during June for Pride Month as a symbol of support for our LGBTQ friends, family members and neighbors in Canton and elsewhere. I’m proud to say […]

President deserves blame for toxic political climate

Dear Editor: I was not offended by Reverend Tamilio’s thoughtful letter to the editor in last week’s Canton Citizen. On the contrary, I appreciated the sentiment that it is time for Americans to abandon the vitriolic nature of today’s political dialogue to rediscover decency. We seem trapped in an endless loop of insult these days, […]

All-night grad committee grateful for support

Dear Editor: I would like to take this opportunity to thank all who were involved in making the Canton High School All-Night Graduation Party a success. Not only did we have a core group of dedicated parents and school administrators who structured the party, but we received tremendous support from so many in the community. […]

Opinion: Why we are no longer civil

Dear Editor: We often wonder why racism, religious intolerance, misogyny, and homophobia still exist in 21st-century America, in a culture that has supposedly evolved socially. We scratch our heads and ponder why our civil discourse is anything but civil. My answer will be an affront to those on the right as well as the left. […]

Kudos to CPD for proactive approach to crisis intervention

Dear Editor: I was pleased to read in last week’s Citizen about Canton police officers receiving Crisis Intervention Training (CIT), a nationally recognized best practice in responding to people who may be experiencing a mental health crisis. Too often, people with mental illness and substance use disorders end up in the criminal justice system. Police […]

Military sashes should be worn proudly at graduation

Dear Editor: On June 12 at the Blue Hills Regional graduation ceremony, students who are enlisting in the military have been told that they are allowed to wear their military sashes but that they have to wear them under their graduation robes until after the graduation ceremony is over. These are students who are proud […]

Why I am voting ‘Yes’ to ban pot shops

Dear Editor: In November 2016, Massachusetts approved the legalization of marijuana for adult (21 and older) personal use, possession and growing of marijuana for recreational purposes. Medical use of marijuana is a separate law. In addition to legalizing adult personal use, The Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act also legalized all marijuana-related business in 351 […]

Man About Canton: Legion News

Did you know … The Canton American Legion Post 24 is holding its annual Duffers Golf Tournament on Monday, May 21, at Wampatuck Country Club. The money raised will be used for scholarships for Canton students. The tournament will feature five-person teams with a maximum of 18 teams and an 8 a.m. shotgun start. Cost […]

Complaints about TM attendance won’t solve problem

Dear Editor: To those who are going to complain in the paper about low turnout at town meeting (Man About Canton – April 26): Trying to guilt people into attending is not a successful tactic. All that does is reinforce the idea that the meeting must be a horrible experience. If you want to be productive, […]

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