Dear Editor: I started the Yes for GMS! group to support the new Galvin Middle School proposal because I have seen firsthand the need for a new building, and how many years our community has invested in planning for these two upcoming votes. I also understand that the urgency created by the nature of the […]
Dear Editor: I would like to publicly recognize Mr. Arafat Knight, Canton’s veterans services officer, for his efforts to honor our hometown heroes through the downtown banner program. Amid the chaos downtown, Mr. Knight has given us a reminder of those young men who went to war for our freedom. Many never came home. Thank […]
Dear Editor: Christine Smith’s Exhibit A column in the April 18 edition of the Canton Citizen was a balanced review of the MBT Communities Act and touched on the need for affordable housing. It is unfortunate how often people perpetuate myths and stigma about affordable housing and those in need of it. Access to affordable […]
Dear Editor: A big thank you to Christine Smith and her fellow Canton residents who had the vision and did the work to make the Canton Voter Guide. I just spent an hour or so reviewing it, with an emphasis on the candidate statements. It was very helpful and wonderfully done. I grew up in […]
Dear Editor: As we conclude the holiday season, a time where people are supposed to be the best versions of themselves, and act as the kind of people we wish we were all year, I am deeply disappointed and saddened by the lack of civility and decency we have shown each other in the weeks […]
Dear Editor: Let’s go point by point to rebut Tom Taylor’s letter from last week’s Citizen. For starters, the folks who collected signatures for the recent Special Town Meeting did so because of the lack of response they had gotten from the Select Board. Regarding Chris Albert’s victory at the polls last spring, he wasn’t […]
Dear Editor: Having experienced the twilight zone, aka the Special Town Meeting of November 20, a couple of things are apparent. If you vote a liberal out of office, be prepared for the backlash and chaos from the small percentage that don’t accept that their view is not the majority opinion. Unfortunately, the chaos and […]
Dear Editor: On Monday, November 20, the town of Canton will hold a Special Town Meeting in the Canton High School auditorium beginning at 7 p.m. This STM was initiated by voters in our community. I strongly encourage you to carefully review the Recommendations of the Finance Committee to the Voters of Canton, informally referred […]
Dear Editor: I learned years ago that the Canton Citizen is as much about Canton as it is of Canton. It’s a fabric and product of the town with lifelong, close ties to many inside and outside of Town Hall. The latest example of that was the absence of reporting on what’s being called the […]
Dear Editor: From 2002 to 2017, I had the privilege of serving on the Canton Planning Board. I can’t begin to imagine the number of public hearings I sat through relative to zoning articles, subdivisions, special permits, Chapter 40B (affordable housing), and scenic ways. Many of these hearings were extremely contentious, with citizens showing up […]