Category archives for: From One Citizen to Another

Ex-FinCom Chair: Municipal contracts are a balancing act

By Mark Porter After reading several pieces on the unfortunate situation with Canton’s teachers, I thought it might be valuable to share my perspective on the situation as someone who is currently unplugged from the current goings-on in municipal government but also someone with 12 years of municipal finance experience. First and foremost, I have […]

Galvin GSA speaks out in support of teachers

Dear Editor: The Galvin Middle School GSA has temporarily moved to the Makerspace at the Canton Public Library to hold our after-school meetings. We are not in our usual school classroom because of the work-to-rule action by the Canton teachers. Our GSA is a non-funded club, so our teacher is not compensated for running clubs […]

Guest Column: This Is Our Fight Too

By Kitana Le-Garcia In schools, students are the ones being governed. We have to abide by the school handbook, as well as decisions made by the school administration and teachers. Almost every decision made affects us. However, in situations that involve us, we are almost always the least informed. We see our teachers stand outside […]

School Committee’s intimidation tactics need to stop

Dear Editor: The tactics now being employed by the Canton School Committee to create community pressure and resentment towards the Canton Teachers Association (CTA) for its perfectly legal action in strictly adhering to the existing contract is no different than the scare tactics and intimidation used by private companies to thwart and undermine unionization and […]

Declining Christmas Mass attendance hints at worrisome trend

Dear Editor: First I wish to thank the Citizen for such great year-round community news coverage. Our town is very fortunate to still have this vital news source by dedicated local staff and ownership! Did anyone else notice the advertisement in the last edition for only four Masses at St. Oscar Romero over the holidays? […]

Farmers Market organizers grateful for community support

Dear Editor: Thank you to the Canton community for all your support to help make our 2022 market season a great success! From the volunteer crew to our sponsors, customers, community groups, and of course, our vendors, it was a true collaborative effort. We had more than 14,000 visitors to the market this year, and […]

Bill Galvin is the best choice for our town

Dear Editor: I am a lifelong Canton resident and for over half of my life I have been an educator in the town. I have taught many of the people and/or their kids reading this letter and have loved every minute of it. Without question, the support of the town has contributed to the success […]

Canton environmental group endorses Tamisha Civil

Dear Editor: Canton Residents for a Sustainable Equitable Future (CR4SEF) is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit addressing the accelerating climate crisis locally and state-wide through education and action. CR4SEF’s board, representing 200-plus members, enthusiastically endorses Tamisha Civil for state representative for the 6th Norfolk District. We believe she can carry out her bold climate agenda as demonstrated […]

Select Board chair backs Rep. Galvin

Dear Editor: I am writing to support the re-election of state Representative William Galvin. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing and working with Bill Galvin over the past 30 years. I speak with Bill or his office several times a month if not more. Bill always returns calls, emails, or texts, no matter the time […]

Correcting the record on Rep. Galvin’s mailer

Dear Editor: The Committee to Elect Tamisha Civil would like to correct some inaccuracies in the mailer that Rep. Galvin sent out recently. The mailer listed money that Rep. Galvin claimed to have obtained for the district. However, when we checked the numbers, we discovered that some of the funding was sourced from the Economic […]

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