Category archives for: From One Citizen to Another

Indivisible Canton endorses Tamisha Civil for state rep.

Dear Editor: Indivisible Canton has endorsed Tamisha Civil for state representative in the 6th Norfolk District. We’re canvassing and writing postcards to our neighbors to encourage them to vote for her in the primary election on September 6. So far we have reached out to more than 300 voters, and we’re also encouraging our members […]

Independence Day offers reminder of what’s at stake

Dear Editor: America is deeply divided — culturally, religiously and politically. The year 1861 was the last time this nation faced such an internal breaking point, culminating in a tragic, bloody conflict. As we celebrate another Independence Day, our current toxic circumstances are very similar and far more threatening. How did we arrive at this […]

Message of gratitude from Chief Rafferty

Dear Editor: There are no words adequate enough to thank everyone who had a part in the ceremony on June 14, as I was sworn in as the town’s 14th chief of police. It was a perfect evening and I just know that my parents were looking down so proudly. I would especially like to […]

FinCom, CPC seeks new members

Dear Canton: Are you interested in making a difference in your community? Are you comfortable with budgets and interested in learning more about how our town services — including schools — and capital items are funded? Canton is currently seeking residents to fill vacancies on both the Finance and Capital Planning committees. The Finance Committee […]

Commentary: The kids aren’t alright

By Andrew Staiti I’ve got to admit, the shooting at the Tops Supermarket in Buffalo really threw me for a loop. As someone who grew up in the Columbine era of school shootings becoming the horrifying, depressing norm that they are today, I can say without hesitation that I’ve become desensitized to random acts of […]

A few ideas for the St. Gerard’s property

Dear Editor: It is my understanding that for years now Canton has had a problem with overcrowding in the schools and has discussed the need to add another school or secure more school space. With that reality in mind, I would like to suggest that the newly acquired St. Gerard’s property be used to build […]

Time for a new generation of Norfolk County leadership

Dear Residents of Norfolk County: My name is Matthew J. Sheehan, and I’m running for Norfolk County Commissioner. I am a Dedham resident and a 2003 graduate of Norfolk County Agricultural High School. I am a pilot for American Airlines and a volunteer for Above the Clouds, a nonprofit based out of Norwood Airport that […]

Heartfelt gratitude from family of Tony Andreotti

To Friends of Tony Andreotti: On behalf of our family, I would like to acknowledge all of you that paid a proper tribute and respects to my Dad. We were overwhelmed by your support and heartfelt condolences during this most difficult time. There are many people and groups to thank and I’ll probably miss a […]

Proposed Trillium expansion is too much, too soon

Dear Editor: Tonight at 6 p.m. in the Salah Meeting Room at Town Hall, the Canton Zoning Board of Appeals is scheduled to hold a public hearing to consider an application for zoning relief filed by Trillium Brewing Co. (listed as Everything’s Fine LLC). Headquartered at the former Reebok site at 100 Royall Street, Trillium […]

What are Canton’s housing needs?

Dear Editor: Last May, town meeting voters approved the establishment of a Housing Trust to create and preserve Canton’s affordable housing, a big and complicated issue decades in the making, but we have to begin somewhere. The Select Board has appointed its trustees and work has begun in earnest to understand the community’s current and […]

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