Category archives for: From One Citizen to Another

Help pack the house for upcoming CHS musical

Dear Canton community: I hope you are all doing well! I am writing on a mission to pack the house for the upcoming performances of Grease at Canton High. If you are feeling well and feel comfortable as an audience member, please come out to see Grease. There is not much we can give these kids […]

CR4SEF: Canton residents can choose clean energy

Dear Editor: At the 2021 Annual Town Meeting, Canton residents passed Article 30, enabling the town to develop a Municipal Energy Aggregation (MEA) program over the next year. The next step is for the Select Board to establish options for the energy sources that Canton residents can choose from. The Select Board can adopt an […]

Overwhelming gratitude for ‘very’ good Samaritan

Dear Editor: I want to take a moment to publicly thank the very good Samaritan who found my purse at Shaw’s Supermarket two weekends ago and then took the time out of their day to return it to the Canton Police Department. After going back to Shaw’s and looking everywhere for the purse, I had […]

Select Board owes us answers before acting on St. Gerard’s

To the voters of Canton: The Canton Select Board’s proposal that the town consider purchasing (possibly by eminent domain) the St. Gerard Majella Church property should pose a number of questions for voters to carefully consider at the Special Town Meeting on December 1. * Why should the town buy this property? * What use […]

Town facing important capital decision

Dear Editor: The recent announcement that the St. Gerard’s property may be put up for sale has prompted the Select Board to ask, “What would be in the town’s best interest?” Do we want the property to be sold to a developer to build more new houses? Do we want the town to acquire this […]

Shout out to another Bulldog basketball legend

Dear Editor: I really enjoyed Jay Turner’s recent article which regarded Devin Foster as the “greatest basketball player to ever put on a Bulldog uniform.” As a CHS alum myself, I am very happy to hear of Devin’s basketball success. More importantly, he seems like a delightful young man who will continue to represent the […]

Blame the state if Topgolf pulls out

Dear Editor: The takeaway for me from last week’s article about the protracted Dedham Street delays and the impact on the Topgolf proposal is that we’ve lost the chance to get Topgolf in Canton. That’s barring the success of what looks like a Hail Mary effort by the Select Board to get senior executives from […]

Closure of St. Gerard’s warrants self-reflection

Dear Editor: With the creation of a collaborative of St. Gerard’s and St. John’s back in June 2018, followed by the renaming of the churches into a single parish as St. Oscar Romero last fall, it was no surprise that the church decided this July to close St. Gerard’s and sell the property. As Father […]

Support green energy for our town

Dear Editor: At our recent town meeting, Canton adopted Municipal Energy Aggregation (MEA). Simply put, MEA is a form of group energy purchasing in which the town selects an electricity supplier on behalf of its residents and businesses. Now that the town has adopted MEA, the Select Board will develop a plan to become the […]

Canton’s housing challenges are real

Dear Editor: I have lived in the same home in Canton for all my years. When I decided to downsize, I wished to remain in Canton among dear friends and a rich life rooted in this community. To say it’s been a struggle to find a suitable place to live is an understatement. My needs […]

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