Category archives for: Opinion

CR4SEF board endorses GMS project funding

Dear Editor: The Canton Residents for a Sustainable Equitable Future (CR4SEF) board unanimously supports funding the sustainable Galvin Middle School project, which heads to a December 10 ballot vote following its approval at last week’s Special Town Meeting. This project includes cost-efficient clean energy systems, including geothermal wells, ground source heat pumps, and a solar […]

Smart About Money: Don’t take the bait

Researching scams and scam prevention, I came across the concept of the “initial bait.” Specifically, it is the lure (like the offer of a refund) or the threat that gets someone to respond to a scammer’s approach email, text or phone call. There’s a reason it’s called “phishing.” The scammers make initial approaches all day […]

Guest Commentary: Move the Vote

Submitted by Lisa Lopez on behalf of Residents to Move the Vote Though there are many things Canton residents may disagree about, one of the many things I believe most of us agree on is that the more people who vote, the better the outcome. This consensus is the driving force of the campaign to […]

Community invited to interfaith Thanksgiving service

Dear Editor: We, the Canton Interfaith Clergy Group, are looking forward to welcoming the Canton community to our annual interfaith Thanksgiving service at First Parish Unitarian Universalist on November 24. Planning this annual event takes tremendous effort each year as we listen intently to one another, working to craft a service that welcomes and resonates with […]

GMS Project: Letters to the Editor

Canton residents will be asked to vote on a proposed new Galvin Middle School at a Special Town Meeting on Monday evening, November 18, in the CHS auditorium. Below are recent letters to the editor on the subject. Click here for a preview of the upcoming STM.   Letters of Support Kristian Darigan Merenda: Strong […]

New GMS a positive move for Canton

Dear Editor: I firmly believe that a new GMS school building is a positive move for Canton. In the interest of full disclosure, I have a child in each level of Canton Public Schools: a Hansen first grader (future GMS attendee), a GMS eighth grader (current attendee), and a CHS 10th grader (former attendee). It […]

Former FinCom, SB member backs GMS project

Dear Editor: My name is Mark Porter and I am writing in support of the GMS project. I served on the town’s Finance Committee from 2009 to 2015 and on the Select Board from 2015 to 2021. I happily retired in 2021 to spend more time with my family. With my three kids still mostly […]

GMS project: There but by the grace of God go I

Dear Editor: In 1995 our house cost $148,500; now it’s worth $750,000. A great thing if we plan to sell it for retirement income or you’re the kids that stand to inherit. Extra equity doesn’t help people who want to stay in their homes and in this community. Many situations are similar. A significant increase […]

Please vote ‘Yes’ for new GMS

Dear Community Members: I am urging you to vote ‘Yes’ in support of a new Galvin Middle School. It is our only opportunity to build a facility with MSBA funding that is worthy of the academic, artistic and athletic talents of our young people. I am a Canton resident and a teacher at the Galvin […]

Former student shares thoughts on GMS project

Dear Editor: As a former student of the Galvin Middle School and current sophomore at Canton High School, I believe that Canton is in need of a new middle school. I want to take this opportunity to share my own experiences that led me to feel this way. I was confronted by examples of the […]

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