Category archives for: Opinion

America won on Election Night

Dear Editor: On Tuesday, November 5, Americans chose normal. They chose logic, merit, common sense, reality. They chose truth as it exists instead of truth as subjective interpretation of one’s own delusion. For most Americans, their crazy limit was reached in stunning fashion. American values and aspirations prevailed. Government of, by and for the people […]

We need to address the elephant in the room

Dear Editor: The voters of our town will soon be asked to authorize the building of a new Galvin Middle School with a total cost, hopefully, of $241 million. Of that total, the state has pledged to reimburse us $72 million, leaving the taxpayers of Canton to come up with $169 million. This is no […]

Time is right to approve GMS building project

Dear Editor: I am writing in support of the Galvin Middle School project. Fiscal responsibility is a key driver of why this project needs to move forward now. Every year the Massachusetts School Building Association (MSBA) selects districts to be part of a cost reimbursement program. Canton Public Schools applied for this program and was […]

A vote for GMS project is a vote for our future

Dear Editor: I am writing to you as a parent, a citizen, and an educator in regard to the upcoming Galvin Middle School project and vote. I would like to highlight the importance of approving this proposal as it is not just wanted, but needed. It is not something that should be done, but has […]

Huge increases in property taxes in the near future

Dear Editor: Unfortunately, retired seniors on fixed incomes and lower-income citizens will carry a heavy burden to pay for the Galvin Middle School given the recent inflation impact over the past two years! The Galvin Middle School is a worthy project to pursue, but extensive add-ons, including an 800-seat auditorium ($15 million), a playground field […]

Smart About Money: Beware of Sexting Scams

A parent recently approached me and asked if I would consider writing a column to alert parents to a particularly cruel scam that directly targets teenagers, often boys. Many parents may not be aware of this scam. I was not. When I started looking into it, I learned that it’s become so widespread and so […]

Vote ‘Yes for GMS!’

Dear Editor: I started the Yes for GMS! group to support the new Galvin Middle School proposal because I have seen firsthand the need for a new building, and how many years our community has invested in planning for these two upcoming votes. I also understand that the urgency created by the nature of the […]

Climate Action Plan Pt. 2: Community Engagement

By Tom Birmingham and Jen Wexler, Canton Sustainability & Climate Action Plan Committee During Canton’s May 2023 Annual Town Meeting, the voters overwhelmingly approved Article 27, which encompassed the following three elements: to develop a town-wide Climate Action Plan (CAP); to research the possible establishment of a new town sustainability and climate manager or related position; […]

Smart About Money: Safe to Use Venmo?

The other day, someone asked an interesting question. Specifically, they wanted to know if it’s “safe” to use Venmo. As with anything online, the answer is, “It depends.” According to Yahoo Finance, “Overall, Venmo is generally a safe payment platform, but it’s crucial that you make sure you’re always sending money to the correct person/profile […]

A Message from the Citizen’s Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

Making connections for nearly four decades, one article, one photo at a time I stared at the glossy photo in the developer, hoping it would be good. That it would tell a story. As the black and white image of a 1995 CHS graduate reciting the Pledge of Allegiance emerged, I remembered I had taken […]

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