The following article appears in the Canton Citizen’s 2024 Financial Fitness Guide. Check out the 2/29 edition for information and tips from local professionals on a wide range of financial topics, including asset protection, real estate, tax preparation, and much more. *** By Charles Gaffney, SVP of Operations & Technology, Bank of Canton Celebrity impersonations […]
Mar 1 2024 | Posted in
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A few years ago, a rumor about a sexual assault circulated at the high school where I teach. Conversations in the hallway moved online; an Instagram account was created where people anonymously posted their experiences as well as hearsay. The student newspaper, which I had been hired to advise one month before, wanted to report […]
By Tom Birmingham, Chair, Canton Energy Advisory Committee As the name Canton Electricity Choice implies, Canton residents and businesses will soon have a new choice to make. This choice involves whether to: 1. Continue to buy your electricity from Eversource, Canton’s local electric distribution company 2. Purchase electricity from a third-party supplier, as some of […]
Feb 23 2024 | Posted in
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Opinion | By
During and after last year’s town election, I heard from a number of voters who felt that there was a lack of information about the candidates and the offices for which they are running. While the Canton Citizen provides comprehensive coverage of the municipal elections and candidates, some citizens were looking for an easy place […]
Late last year, the news came out that Intuit was shutting down its budgeting app, Mint. One news report said it was because most people are not much interested in managing their money — supposedly because personal money management is not “fun.” Although Mint was referred to as “beloved,” the reality was that this free […]
I sat opposite her not knowing what to expect. She had a warm smile that made me comfortable even though I had never done this before. For years I’d read about Tarot cards and seen people having their cards read in movies and it had always fascinated me, perhaps because of the cards’ vibrant colors […]
Dear Editor: As we conclude the holiday season, a time where people are supposed to be the best versions of themselves, and act as the kind of people we wish we were all year, I am deeply disappointed and saddened by the lack of civility and decency we have shown each other in the weeks […]
Dear Editor: Let’s go point by point to rebut Tom Taylor’s letter from last week’s Citizen. For starters, the folks who collected signatures for the recent Special Town Meeting did so because of the lack of response they had gotten from the Select Board. Regarding Chris Albert’s victory at the polls last spring, he wasn’t […]
It was winter. The migrant couple had been travelling for miles on foot in the cold. It had been a long journey. They were looking for a place to stay. The wife was pregnant and was due to give birth any day. They stopped at numerous hotels but were told that there was no room […]
Dear Editor: Having experienced the twilight zone, aka the Special Town Meeting of November 20, a couple of things are apparent. If you vote a liberal out of office, be prepared for the backlash and chaos from the small percentage that don’t accept that their view is not the majority opinion. Unfortunately, the chaos and […]